Ke góc nam châm có công tắc tắt bật từ 50LBS

最小库存管理单元: KGTT50LBS-CT, ID: 236

满 意 度 :
4.5 等 级 (4 评 定), 请评分

品牌 :

产品型号 : 50LBS-CT

产地 : 中国


批发价: 347 000 VND 295 000 VND / 1 cái
Mức giá này chỉ có giá trị đến hêt ngày . Chúng tôi có thể thay đổi mà không thông báo trước

15 000 VND 运费 !

The maximum nationwide shipping fee you have to pay when you buy 1 cái: 9 000 VND

In Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, the shipping fee is cheaper. The more you buy, the cheaper the fee.

Ke góc nam châm có công tắc tắt bật từ 50LBS lực hút 25Kg

Ke góc nam châm có công tắc tắt bật từ 50LBS 规格

Thương hiệu Khác
产地 中国
产品型号 50LBS-CT
(75 mm)
(50 lb)
产品尺寸 190 mm x 120 mm x 30 mm
包装尺寸 220 mm x 140 mm x 50 mm
产品重量 1100 g
棋子 1


Currently, by default we only delivery in Vietnam

After you place an order through this website, or make a phone call, or place orders on e-commerce channels, we will check stock and confirmation the order as fast as possible. If for some reason we cannot deliver the odered quantity. For example, in the case of lost goods or other force majeure causes. We will notify you of the problem by calling and only by phone to solve together.

Currently, we have warehouses in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. Therefore, we will choose delivery from the warehouse closest to your delivery address. In case you order many items and they are not available at the same time, We will call you to confirm your agreement to split the delivery without asking you to pay any additional fees.

We have a modern digitized warehouse. Therefore time to take the goods from the time the order is confirmed until the time the goods are taken, then packing, be ready to ship from 5 upto 15 minutes. We also prioritize packing orders that need urgent delivery or use express delivery services of our partners.

There are many forms of delivery like motorbike taxi, trucks, air express, North-South train, logistics. Delivery time is also very variable, Average is usually 30 minutes with motorbike taxi, 2 hours with inner city express postal services. Same day or next day received for local orders delivered by post. From 1 to 2 days for suburban orders. The other places usually within 4 days you will receive excluding weekends and public holidays

The daily interval when we can stop processing order confirmations for the day and leave the next day is 17:30-08:00. Orders you place before this time will be confirmed and packed within the same day.

We process orders from Monday to Saturday. Orders placed on a holiday will be processed on the next business day.


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